Sunday, December 29, 2013

Ulta Haul #1

Eyyy doeee
I went to Ulta today, and look what I got:
  • Two NYX lipsticks (Tea Rose, and Stella)
  • NYX blush (Peach)
  • NYX Butter Lip Balm (Parfait)
  • NYX Trio “Love in Rio” (Amazonian Babes)
  • NYX 3-pack Butter Gloss (in order from left to right; Merengue, Creme Brulee, and Apple Strudel)
  • Essence Mascara (I love Extreme volume)
  • Essence Stay with me lipgloss (My Favorite Milkshake)
Omg, so many NYX products, right?! XD They’re mostly NYX, anyway. And I also got some Essence products in there. I would have gotten more, but the gift card that I used only had 50 dollars on it, and makeup is not cheap, honey.
The items that were not mentioned were not bought from Ulta, but from other stores, and this is what they are:
  • Wet n Wild lipstick (Purty Persimmon)
  • Milani Glitzy Glamour Gloss (Show Stopper)
  • Revlon Quad (Not Just Nudes)
And, there ya go! That’s all I have! C:
Hopefully soon, I can get you guys swatches, reviews, all that good stuff. But, first, I need to study for exams and whatnot. School’s important, right? I’ll be doing my best. And, I hope y’all are too. So, see you guys in the near future with some reviews! <3


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